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  • Two 4-digit displays
  • 4 DIN cases
  • Universal programmable input
  • Various control algorithms including auto-tuning
  • PID-pulse and PID for motor valves
  • Programmable digital filter
  • Manual mode for bumpless switching
  • Calibration and self-calibration
  • RS485 serial interface available


RT484 is a multifunctional programmable controller with a universal input for the most common thermoresistances, thermocouples, and linear signals. The input has a built-in automatic software compensation of line resistance and cold junction temperature as well as automatic software compensation of temperature drift, and can be calibrated manually RT484 is also equipped with a programmable input filter and two 4-digit displays with programmable refresh rate. Available are various options for access restriction. The device can have up to 2 outputs (2 relays or 1 relay and 1 analog output), which can control variety of actuators through different programmable control algorithms. RT484 can work in manual or automatic mode, and an RS485 serial interface enables networking.

Additional information


48×48 mm, 48×96 mm, 96×48 mm, 96×96 mm


On panel


115 VAC, 230 VAC, 90…250 V

Релеен изход

For ext. SSR, Internal SSR, MOS gate, None, Relay NO/NC


None, RS485


ASCII, ASCII PolyMonitor

Аналогов изход

0…10 V, 0…20 mA, 4…20 mA, None

Повишена лицева защита


Аналогов вход

0…20mA DC linear current, 0…50 mV DC linear voltage, 4…20mA DC linear current, RTD Cu100 – 1.426, RTD Cu100 – 1.428, RTD Pt100 – 1.385, RTD Pt100 – 1.391, Thermocouple (TC) B, Thermocouple (TC) C, Thermocouple (TC) J, Thermocouple (TC) K, Thermocouple (TC) L – GOST, Thermocouple (TC) R, Thermocouple (TC) S

Закон за управление

ON/OFF, PID, PID-pulse

RT484 controller

Current / Voltage / ResistanceHumidityTemperature

Technical Specifications
Input (programmable)
Pt100 (w=1.385, 1.391); 3-wire-100…600 °C
Cu100 (w=1.426, 1.428); 3-wire-50…200 °C
Thermocouple “J”0…1000 °C
Thermocouple “K”0…1300 °C
Thermocouple “S”0…1700 °C
Thermocouple “R”0…1700 °C
Thermocouple “B”100…1800 °C
Thermocouple “C”0…2300 °C
Thermocouple “L – GOST”0…600 °C
Linear voltage 0…50 mV (1)-1999…9999, programmable
Linear current 0…20 mA-1999…9999, programmable
Linear current 4…20 mA-1999…9999, programmable (2)
Input type selectionprogrammable
Decimal point selectionprogrammable
Digital filterprogrammable
Input calibrationprogrammable
Outputs (up to 2 outputs)
Relay electromechanical5A/250V w/ NO/NC or NO contact
Solid state relay (SSR) (5)1A/250VAC
MOS gate (5)0.1A/60V, optically isolated
Output for external SSR5…24 V, 30 mA
Operation modesmanual and automatic
Control algorithmsON/OFF, PID-pulse, and PID for motor valves, programmable
Other control featuresBUMPLESS and ANTI-WINDUP
Analog output (3)4(0)…20 mA or 0…10 V, isolated
Serial interfaceRS485, isolated
Measurement error0,3% (4) from span
Temperature drift0.01% from span for 1 °C
Self-calibrationautomatic software
Cold junction compensationautomatic software
RTD line compensationautomatic software
Power supply
Mains supply voltage230 VAC or 115 VAC
SMPS voltage90…250 V
Isolated low voltage12…24 V or 24 VAC
Non-isolated low voltage12…24 V
Consumptionmax. 5 VA
Indication and controls
Digital display2 x 4 LED indicators
LEDs2 LEDs for output state
Keyboard3 membrane keys
Operating conditions
Ambient temperature-10…55 °C
Ambient humidity0…85 %RH


Design and materialsBH VS
Front dimensions [mm]96×9696×4848×9648×48
Panel cutout [mm]90×9090×4242×9045×45
Mounting depth [mm]989898100
PV display digit height [mm]20141010
SV display digit height [mm]14101010
Maximum weight [g]350300300200
Protection, front/terminalsIP54/20IP54/20IP54/20IP54/20
Increased front IP (option)IP65IP65IP65
Case materialplasticplasticplasticplastic
Wiring (terminals)plug-inplug-inplug-inscrew

(1) Other voltage ranges can be obtained by the means of two external resistors.

(2) Provides loop supply voltage – 24 VDC (only w/ isolated power supply)

(3) Instead of 1st relay! If mounted, it can be programmed as control or retransmission!

(4) 0.5% for noble thermocouples

(5) Ask for availability!

(6) Not available for case ‘S’