Quality Policy
The quality policy is an integral part of our corporate strategy.
Comeco’s main goal is to maintain its leading position in the field of design and production of sensors, transmitters and control-measuring devices for temperature, humidity, pressure, flow, level and other applications for the needs of various technological processes in the industry.
With the quality policy we have applied, we strive to follow the continuous improvement of our products and processes through good organization and relations with all stakeholders and above all – with our customers and suppliers.
Our formula for success is based on:
- maintaining good client relations and trust by fulfilling the quality requirements and delivery terms;
- flexibility and timeliness.

To implement the quality policy, Comeco’s management is committed to:
- to be guided by the principles of quality management;
- to organize its operations in accordance with the applicable legislation;
- to increase resources usage efficiency;
- to improve the competence of the staff;
- to provide and maintain an efficient working environment;
- to expand business relations under mutually beneficial conditions;
- to improve the implemented quality management system;
- with a risk-based mindset that ensures that risks are identified, accounted for and controlled;
- to improve customer satisfaction.
To achieve these goals, Comeco has developed, implemented and maintained a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015.
Comeco has created conditions for strict compliance with the requirements of the quality management system in the organization and for the active involvement of the staff in its development.