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  • Two RT18 controllers in one housing
  • Self-tuning ON/OFF or PI control algorithm
  • Fixed input
  • Easy programming


RT218 combines two RT18 controllers in one 96×96 mm case. Thanks to its lower cost than the combined cost of 2 separate RT18 controllers, this model is often preferred when 2 technological parameters are controlled in one machine or installation or of separate adjacent processes. Typical applications include control of 2 temperatures, temperature and humidity, pressure and temperature, pH and temperature, and other combinations. Each of the 2 incorporated controllers controls its relay output through an ON/OFF or selftuning PI algorithm, the latter being a convenient solution that saves installation time and costs and provides precise control eliminating temperature cycling and excessive start-up overshoot. The reliable operation even in the presence of electromagnetic disturbances and the attractive price also account for the success of the RT218 controller.

RT218 controller

Current / Voltage / ResistanceHumidityTemperature

Technical Specifications